8-K Tagged Feed
The 8-K Tagged Feed API delivers a real-time stream of SEC 8-K filings, each tagged with AI-generated insights including summaries, category tags (drawn from a predefined set of categories), and sentiment tags. Users can utilize this tagged feed to monitor daily updates on material events reported by companies, enabling them to build custom email notification systems or display widgets for tracking significant corporate disclosures in their apps.
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Query Parameters
CIKs (Central Index Keys) of companies. Multiple CIKs can be provided separated by commas. Each CIK should be a 10-digit number (include leading zeros if necessary). Get CIKs from Company Details.
Start date in YYYY-MM-DD format. Use this parameter to filter data from a specific start date.
End date in YYYY-MM-DD format. Use this parameter to filter data till a specific end date
Comma-separated 8K Category IDs (Allowed Values - 1 to 26). Check the filings-8k-type mapping.
Comma-separated sentiment values (Allowed values - positive, negative, neutral).
, negative
, neutral
Sector classification of the companies. Multiple values can be provided separated by commas. Get valid sector values from Company Details.
Industry classification of the companies. Multiple values can be provided separated by commas. Check valid industry values from Company Details.
The number of results to return per page. This parameter is optional and defaults to 20 if not specified. Maximum value is 50.
x < 50
Page number for pagination. This parameter is optional and defaults to 1 if not specified.
x > 1