Filings Embeddings Search
The Filings Embeddings Search API retrieves the nearest chunks of text (based on semantic similarity) from our database for specified filings (earnings transcripts and annual reports) for any given user query/prompt in natural langauge. Users can utilize this functionality for various purposes, such as building an AI-search engine, AI-tagging, etc., using the associated text from these filings.
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
The user query in natural language for which similar chunks of filings text is retrieved using OpenAI embeddings.
Filters to narrow the search scope. For example, the search can be limited to few companies only. Without filters, search will be performed across all the filings.
Number of top matching chunks to return in the response. This parameter is optional and defaults to 20 if not specified. Maximum value is 50.
x < 100